Instructions to authors
GEOINFORMATION ISSUES (Problemy Geoinformacji) is a journal issued 1-2 times a year, publishing peer-reviewed articles covering theoretical, experimental or applicable problems of geodesy, surveying engineering, photogrammetry, cartography, GIS and remote sensing.
Legal requirements
The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright owners, that the rights of the third parties will not be violated, and that the publisher will not held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Manuscript submission
Submission of the manuscript implies that the work has not been published before (except in form of an abstract or as a part of a published lecture, review or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.
Manuscripts should be submitted in English in electronic form to the Editor-in-Chief of GEOINFORMATION ISSUES, 27 Jacka Kaczmarskiego St., 02-679 Warsaw, Poland, tel:+48 22 3291904, fax:+48 22 3291950, e-mail: Please be sure to include your e-mail address and your fax as well as phone number. The manuscripts and figures will not be returned, unless specifically requested by the authors.
In case the manuscript has more than one author its submission should include the list specifying contribution of each author to the manuscript with indicating who is the author of the concept, assumptions, research methodology, data processing. Major responsibility is of the author submitting the manuscript.
The Editor will counteract in GEOINFORMATION ISSUES against Ghostwriting, i.e. when someone substantially contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but has neither been included to the list of authors nor his role is mentioned in the acknowledgements as well as Ghost authorship, i.e. when the author/co-author did not contribute to the manuscript or his contribution is negligible. Any detected case of Ghostwriting and Ghost authorship will be exposed and the appropriate subjects, i.e. employers, scientific organisations, associations of editors etc, will be informed.
Electronic submission of a manuscript
Layout guidelines:
– use a normal, plain Times Roman font for text, italics for textual emphasis, bold for mathematical vectors,
– use the table functions of your word processing program, not spreadsheets, to make tables,
– use the equation editor of your word processing program for equations,
– place all figures with figure legends and tables with table legends in the manuscript,
– submit also all figures as separate files.
Data format:
Save your manuscript in RTF or DOC Microsoft Word for Windows format.
Figures should be provided in the vector graphics. The preferred figure format is CDR (Corel Draw), XLS (Microsoft Excel), EPS. Exceptionally JPG or TIF (specifically for halftone illustrations) formats will be accepted. The filename should include the figure number. Figure legends should be included in the text and not in the figure file. Scanned line drawings should be digitised with a minimum resolution of 800 dpi relative to the final figure size. For digital halftones, 300 dpi is usually sufficient. Non-standard fonts used in the vector graphics must be included. Please do not draw with hairlines. The minimum line width is 0.2 mm (0.567 pt) relative to the final size.
Delivery of a manuscript:
Please send your manuscript, preferably a zip file (text and illustrations in separate files, unencoded) either by e-mail or on a CD ROM. Please always supply the following information with your data: operating system, word processing program, drawing program, image processing program, compression program. The file name should be memorable (e.g. author name), have no more than 8 characters, and include no accents or special symbols.
Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts should be typed in single-line spacing throughout on the A4 sheet with 2.5 cm margins.
1. Title page:
– a concise and informative title,
– the name(s) of the author(s),
– the name(s) and address(es) of the affiliation(s) of the author(s),
– the e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the communicating author.
2. Abstract: the paper must be preceded by a sufficiently informative abstract presenting the most important results and conclusions.
3. Keywords: three to five keywords should be supplied.
4. Introduction: should state the purpose of the investigation and give a short review of the pertinent literature.
5. Acknowledgements: should be brief and consist of grant or individuals that require acknowledgement.
The names of funding organizations or institutions providing data should be given in full.
6. References: the list of references should be in alphabetical order and should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications could only be mentioned in the text. References should consist of the complete list of authors and should be given in the following form:
– journal articles:
Blais J.A.R., Lodwick G.D., Ferland R., (1983): Gravimetric terrain corrections in western Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 20, No 2, pp. 259–265.
– books:
Heiskanen W.A., Moritz H., (1967): Physical geodesy, W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.
– multi-author books (proceedings):
Rummel R., (2000): Global unification of height system and GOCE, in: M.G. Sideris (ed), Gravity, Geoid and Geodynamics 2000, IAG Symposia, Vol. 123, Springer, pp. 13–20.
In the text, references should be cited by author(s) last name and year: e.g. (Beutler, 2003a), (Müller and Rapp, 1993), (Schwarz et al., 1990), (Sjöberg et al., 2000; Sideris, 2001b; 2002).
7. Formulae and symbols: must be written legibly and will be typeset in italics. One-layer indexing is preferable. Numbering of formulae, if necessary should be given in brackets fitted to the right margin.
8. Footnotes: to the text should be numbered consecutively and placed on the bottom of the page to which they refer. Footnotes to the tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters.
9. Illustrations and tables: all figures (photographs, graphs or diagrams) and tables should be cited in the text and each numbered consecutively throughout. Lowercase roman letters should identify figure parts. Figure legends must be brief and must contain self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. Each table should have a title and a legend explaining any abbreviation used in that table.
10. Units: SI units must be used.
11. Running head: consisting of at most 60 characters a concise banner representing the title of the article must be submitted by the author(s).
Proofreading is the responsibility of the author. Corrections should be clear; standard correction marks should be used. Corrections that lead to a change in the page layout should be avoided. The author is entitled to formal corrections only. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the editor. In such case please contact the Editor-in-chief before returning the proofs.
Free copy
Each author will receive one complimentary copy of the current journal. All copies are supplied to the communicating author.