On behalf of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and Abgi Poland, we invite you to participate in a competition whose subject is to develop a solution to a specific technological problem using Copernicus satellite data.
The topics to be developed are presented in Annex 1, which is an integral part of the regulations that can be found on the website. The selected companies/startups will be asked to present a short description of the solution, which is to be a response to the needs of companies from the non-Space sector. For companies, we will organize individual meetings to clarify expectations.
By participating in our project, you will have the opportunity to cooperate with companies from the non-space sector, which will then have the opportunity to introduce processed satellite data products into their business profile.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers:
Marzena Kasperek
Paweł Kwiatkowski
Copernicus Team