Invitation to a seminar - Satellite environmental monitoring

Added on: 16 March 2024

     The Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and the Space Research Center CBK PAN cordially invite you to participate in a seminar whose aim is topresent the Earth's unique program - Copernicus, and the possibilities offered by its use in issues related to environmental monitoring

     The seminar will be held online in polish on 21/03/2024 (LINK )

It will be open to everyone (after registration) and a summary of the theoretical and practical parts.

mail Registration link: registration form.

enlightenedAgenda: online seminar

We would be grateful for the invitation to analyze meetings of people in your organization.

More information provided by the state on our website: Satellite Environmental Monitoring Workshop - FP CUPX

If you have any questions, we remain at your disposal.

Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - Copernicus Team