Scientists from the Remote Sensing Center are experts in the COST program - European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Added on: 13 December 2023

Dr Maciej Bartold and Marcin Kluczek became experts in COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology program as part of activity CA22136 PANGEOS (Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science) of the WG3 and WG4 Working Group. The program will be implemented in the years 2023-2027. COST is the organization that funds research and innovation networks. Program activities help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable scientists and innovators to develop their ideas in any field of science and technology by sharing knowledge.

The area of ​​interest of the PANGEOS WG3 Sustainable Land Management of Complex Landscapes working group, of which Dr. Maciej Bartold is a member, is the use of satellite optical imagery processed in cloud computing, to develop new data products for monitoring sustainability and policy-making in European ecosystems.

The area of ​​interest of the PANGEOS WG4 Uncertainty Analysis and Standardization working group, of which Marcin Kluczek, M.A. is a member, is the precise and effective determination of the degree of uncertainty in remote sensing data. Detailed information about the project CA22136 – PANGEOS COST Action