POLWET - system for monitoring Ramsar sites in Poland

System for new space-based products for wetlands under Ramsar Convention – pilot Project for Poland supporting future GlobWetland - POLWET

Duration of the project: 1.07.2015 – 30.06.2017
Acronym of the project: POLWET
Reference: P/ESA/2014/AO/1-7824/POLWET

CUBE ITG (project leader)
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Remote Sensing Centre
Prof. dr hab. K. Dąbrowska-Zielińska, e-mail: katarzyna.dabrowska-zielinska@igik.edu.pl
Mgr Maciej Bartold, e-mail: maciej.bartold@igik.edu.pl

In order to see the presentation of satellite-based products for wetlands under POLWET please click PRESENTATION

The objectives of the project are:

- to establish wetlands monitoring system and create the dedicated EO-based information service as a platform enabling on-line accessibility of the final products to the end-users, adjustable to user’s needs at local, regional and national level

- the information service on special portal based on Earth Observation (EO) data, capable to generate in an operational way a set of products as geo-information maps and indicators for the Ramsar sites in Poland. These will be useful for appropriate sustainable wetlands management and conservation, by offering the products such as: land use/land use changes, changes of water surface, floods extend, moisture conditions, biomass development and changes

- to focus on user driven development and demonstration of Earth Observation Products dedicated for decision makers, for Ramsar Contracting Parties, regional stakeholders education opportunities

- evaluation of operational value of EO-based products proposed for wetland management, considering feedback from end-users and validation activities

Ramsar Convention protected areas in Poland overlaid CORINE Land Cover 2012

Project dissemination:

  • Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Musial J., Malinska A., Budzynska M., Gurdak R., Kiryla W., Bartold M., Grzybowski P., 2018, Soil Moisture in the Biebrza Wetlands Retrieved from Sentinel-1 Imagery, Remote Sensing 2018, Vol. 10 (12), 1979. doi:10.3390/rs10121979 PAPER
  • Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Budzynska M., Gurdak R., Musial J., Malinska A., Gatkowska M., Bartold M., 2017, Application of Sentinel-1 VH and VV and Sentinel-2 for soil moisture studies, Proceedings of SPIE 10426, Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, 104260C (3 October 2017). doi:10.1117/12.2278613 PAPER
  • Dabrowska-Zielinska K., Bartold M., Gurdak R., 2016, POLWET – System for new space-based products for wetlands under RAMSAR Convention, Geoinformation Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1(8), pp. 25-35. doi:10.34867/gi.2016.3 PAPER