
XLV National Cartographic Conference

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Scientific and technical conference on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the use of the Żarnowiec Hydroelectric Power Plant

On September 21-22, 2023, a scientific and technical conference was held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of operation of the Żarnowiec Hydroelectric Power Plant.

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Scientists from the IGiK at the chlorophyll fluorescence workshop at the ESA European Earth Observation Center

Flex Fluorescence Workshop 2023

On September 19-21, 2023, scientists from the Remote Sensing Center (CT IGiK) Marcin Kluczek and Maciej Bartold participated in the FLEX Fluorescence Workshop 2023, an event taking place at ESA ESRIN - the European Earth Observation Center in Frascati, near Rome, Italy .

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Absolute gravity campaign within the BalMarGrav project (Poland), September 6-7, 2023

The A10-020 gravimeter at a gravity station in Szczecin (left) and relative gravity measurements at the pier in Świonujście (right) @Przemyslaw Dykowski (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography)

A second gravity campaign with the use of the A10-020 absolute gravimeter was conducted by the team of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Poland), to provide reference gravity measurements for the marine gravimetric surveys within the project in the harbour of Szczecin and Świnoujście.

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Participation of representatives of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in the Direction Earth/Space Creative Campus

Participation of representatives of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in the Direction Earth/Space Creative Campus

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Absolute gravity campaign within the BalMarGrav project (Latvia, Lithuania), August 1-3, 2023

A gravity campaign with the use of the A10-020 absolute gravimeter conducted by the team of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Poland), with the support from colleagues from Lithuania and Latvia to provide reference gravity measurements for the marine gravimetric surveys within the project.

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Wizyta Głównej Inspektor Doroty Cabańskiej z GUNB oraz Dyrektora Adama Baryłki z MRiT

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IGiK representative in international metrological working groups on gravimetry

On May 16-17, 2023, Dr. Eng. Przemysław Dykowski attended the meeting of the Working Group on Gravimetry of the Consultative Committee on Mass and Related Quantities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (CCM Working Group on Gravimetry - CCM-WGG). The meeting was held in Vienna at the premises of the Federal Office of Metrology and Geodesy of Austria.

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Announcement of the competition result concerning the scholarship competition for a MSc student in NCN SONATA BIS 11 project

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Drought monitoring in 2023 (June 10 - 17)

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