
Nabór na stanowisko specjalisty w Dziale Koordynacji Projektów

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"It's time for wetland restoration" - World Wetlands Day 2023 celebration

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International cooperation in the field of absolute gravimetry

On January 15-18, Dr. Eng. Przemysław Dykowski from the Center of Geodesy and Geodynamics of IGiK visited the National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space)

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The influence of atmospheric circulation on the solar radiation in Poland – a new scientific paper is available now!

Have a look at the new scientific paper by Kinga Kulesza from Centre of Applied Geomatics.

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IGiK received funding from the OCRE Earth Observation Services Funding for Research.

Scientists for IGIK received funding from the OCRE Earth Observation Services Funding for Research for the project: AI4EOLand Monitor: Landcover change detection and derivation of “green” indicators of human well-being based on Copernicus EO data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.

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Invitation to HackVision

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Students from Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering AGH in IGiK

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Daria Stosio otrzymała „Złoty Piksel” na XXV Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Fotointerpretacji i Teledetekcji

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Naukowcy z IGIK na XXV Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Fotointerpretacji i Teledetekcji

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Wykorzystanie produktów satelitarnych i reanaliz meteorologicznych do homogenizacji pomiarów naziemnych promieniowania słonecznego dochodzącego do powierzchni ziemi w Polsce w latach 1991-2015

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