Publikacje 2012

  • Barlik M., Krynski J., Olszak T., Cisak J., Pachuta A., Dykowski P., Walo J., Żak Ł., Szpunar R., Jędrzejewska A., Margański S., Próchniewicz D., Dróżdż M., (2011): Przygotowanie projektu i kontrolny pomiar podstawowej osnowy grawimetrycznej na obszarze kraju - etap I, Sprawozdanie Techniczne dla Głównego Urzędu Geodezji i Kartografii (36 pp).
  • Dykowski P., Krynski J., Sękowski M., (2012): Stability of metrological parameters and performance of the A10 free-fall gravimeter, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-4449, EGU General Assembly 2012, 22–27 April, Vienna, Austria.
  •  Kloch-Glowka G., Krynski J., Szelachowska M., (2012): Time variations of the gravity field over Europe obtained from GRACE data, Reports on Geodesy, Vol. 92, No 1, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 175-190.
  • Krynski J., (2012): Gravimetry for geodesy and geodynamics - brief historical review, Reports on Geodesy, Vol. 92, No 1, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. Vol. 92, No 1, pp. 69-86.
  • Krynski J., (2012): On the new International Gravity Reference System, Workshop at the Joint Meeting of JWG 2.1 Techniques and Metrology in Absolute Gravimetry and JWG 2.2 Absolute Gravimetry and Absolute Gravity Reference System, Vienna, Austria, 14–15 February 2012.
  • Krynski J., Barlik M., (2012): On a lasting role of geodynamics in modern vertical and gravity reference systems, Reports on Geodesy, Vol. 92, No 1, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 61-68.
  • Krynski J., Kloch-Glowka G., Szelachowska M., (2012): On variability of geoid in Europe, Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Paris, France, 6–8 June 2012,
  • Krynski J., Rogowski J.B., (2012): National Report of Poland to EUREF 2012, Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Paris, France, 6–8 June 2012,
  • Krynski J., Roguski P., (2012): A-10 absolute gravimeter for geodesy and geodynamics, Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Florence, Italy, 27–29 May 2009.
  • Krynski J., Zanimonskiy Y.M., (2012): Search for geodynamic signals in time series of astrometric observations, Reports on Geodesy, Vol. 92, No 1, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 87-102.
  • Sękowski M., Krynski J., Dykowski P., Mäkinen J., (2012): Effect of laser and clock stability and meteorological conditions on gravity surveyed with the A10 free-fall gravimeter – first results, Reports on Geodesy, Vol. 92, No 1, Warsaw University of Technology, pp. 47-59.