Publikacje 2014

  • Dukaczewski, D., 2014, Designing simple and complex animated maps for users from different age groups, employing the appropriate selection of static and dynamic visual & sound variables [w:] T. Bandrova, M. Konečný, S. Zlatanova (eds.) Thematic Cartography for the Society, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer – Verlag, Berlin – Heidelberg, s. 47 – 60, , ISBN: 978-3-319-08179-3 (Print) 978-3-319-08180-9 (Online);
  • Gąsiorowski, J., Bielecka, E., 2014, Land fragmentation analysis using morphometric parameters, 9th International Conference “Environmental Engineering, 22-23 May 2014, Vilnius Lithuania. Selected papers;
  • Gąsiorowski, J., Poławski, Z. F., 2014, Land use structure as the basis for indicators determining spatial development of the environment, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, s. 433–438;
  • Gąsiorowski, J., Bielecka, E., Poławski, Z. F., 2014, Wieloczynnikowa analiza środowiskowych uwarunkowań obszarów wiejskich. Seria monograficzna IGiK nr 18, Warszawa, 86 str.